Sunday, October 21, 2012

Virtual Working started bearing fruits

Now my concept of virtual working is really bearing fruits. During August first week I have went to a yoga village with just a netbook loaded with Windows 7 OS ( Samsung N100 ) which gives me 10 to 15 hrs back up ( believe me it really delivers its promise ) and few peripherals. The internet access is very limited ( max 2.5 KBPS ) . I used my Nokia 5230 mobile connectivity using BSNL 2G unlimited ( <100 per month ). Used Opera IRC to chat, Opera mail client to send and receive mail. At such low speeds working from remote needs special skills or you have to be a person who worked in deadly slow connections of 90's . I am cut off from social networks but the essentials are not disrupted. No software updates including virus definitions ( handy Dr.web CD ) . This is my virtual working kit.

  1. Samsung Netbook N100
  2. Nokia 5230 Mobile
  3. Toshiba 500 GB External HDD
  4. Toshiba External DVD writer
  5. Asus Wifi Router
  6. wires, extensions, connectors, blank DVDs, CDS, Pendrive etc.
They have a school computer lab and office provided with pritner, fax, scanner so I didnt need to carry them  including copier paper.

So you too can be virtual if you have necessary gadgets and training. Good luck. 

P.S. It costs not more than 1500 for stay and personal consumption wont require more than 500 . So if you want to work from a hill station and still earning money and save lot of money and mental peace think and act smart. 

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The decision was made and put into action

Most of you know that I am propagating Virtual Working for years much before people hearing about cloud computing. It is is around 1999 I have created my first email account in hotmail and started journey. It is a zigzag path of 12 years. Now after long thought I have came out of brick and mortal office which is googleable as vyass information center, rajahmundry. From 5th afterwards the office has become virtual means not stick to any physical address. I am available on phone and preferrably online. Now Murty is Virtual :) Wish me good luck. You may see me in on road, restaurant, movie theatre with a netbook and working on my dream project PROJECT VYAS. 

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Go deep down in Google

Google hides most complex algorithms to deliver relevant results behind its simple interface. Use advanced search functions and lab features in Google search and know more about it. Participate more in Google feed back, surveys, forums and groups and help it to help us.

in reference to: Google (view on Google Sidewiki)

It saves me data transfer limits

I use this extension extensively due to its readability and export mechanisms. Mostly I convert them to epub when my ISP didnt charge so that I can read the whole content later.

in reference to: Instapaper (view on Google Sidewiki)

Saturday, March 06, 2010

Openid Introduction

OpenID is the decentralized, lightweight protocol for single sign-on and portable identity that is causing a massive transformation in today's internet. More than 25,000 Web sites currently accept OpenID, with double digit month over month growth. Many of the world's leading companies, including AOL, Yahoo!, MySpace, Google Blogger, France Telecom, Telecom Italia have adopted or announced support for OpenID enabling over 500 million users.

This Open Source technology lets you use your existing presence on the web as a form of identity. It was designed to solve real-world problems around single sign-on, without unnecessary complexity. Just like you can use an email address as a form of identity, OpenID lets you use a web address (URL) that you control to sign in on other sites. And just like email addresses, you can have more than one, for work, or at home, or for any other use. But unlike email, the sites you access can't spam you or access your data unless you give them permission.

in reference to: JanRain - OpenID (view on Google Sidewiki)

Friday, December 04, 2009

Wow, such a small windows OS !!!!

ReactOS® is a free, modern operating system based on the design of Windows® XP/2003. Written completely from scratch, it aims to follow the Windows® architecture designed by Microsoft® from the hardware level right through to the application level.

in reference to:

"ReactOS® is a free, modern operating system based on the design of Windows® XP/2003. Written completely from scratch, it aims to follow the Windows® architecture designed by Microsoft® from the hardware level right through to the application level."
- ReactOS - (view on Google Sidewiki)

Sunday, October 04, 2009

Decision proved correct

Instead of launching a online information service just giving phone number is able to serve people who are really interested in updated and latest information about Rajahmundry by asking relevant questions and giving them right answers. This made this project to run with low resources and accessible to everyone who is interested in Rajahmundry information. The whole project is run with no programmers and designers at hand and people who are trained only for a month or less.

in reference to: - Official website of Project Vyas sponsored by Vyass Information Center (view on Google Sidewiki)